6 Reasons Cats Make Great Pets

June is national Adopt-a-Cat Month, a great time to help your local shelter or rescue by taking home a new furry friend! Have you always been a dog person? Some people are turned off by adopting cats, because of long-standing myths about cats. Truth is, cats are just as sociable and loyal as dogs. But there are a number of other reasons why cats make such great pets.

Cats Help Prevent Allergies in Kids. Cats and allergies are sometimes linked together. But did you know that cats can help reduce allergies in kids? That includes later in life when they become adults! And it's not just the pet allergies, but almost all seasonal allergies are reduced among children that grow up in homes with multiple pets. So if you already have a dog, a cat would make a great addition in a loving home with kids!

Cats are Very Loyal. The difference between cat and dog loyalty is that cats are affectionate, when they want to be. While dogs want more consistent attention, cats will snuggle with you and stick by your side, just not as often. This is mainly because cats sleep about 15 hours a day. But they always know that you rescued them, and that's a bond that sticks.

Cats are Great Apartment Pets. We all know how hard it is to buy a house, just about everywhere right now. So, if you're living in an apartment, by choice or not, and want a pet, cats are a great choice. They won't make as much noise as dogs (keeping you in good standing with your neighbors), and don't require as much room to play. Cats like vertical space, like cat trees, window ledges, etc. Making cats the best choice for small spaces.

Cats Enjoy Interacting with Humans More than Food! Yes it's true, a study conducted by the University of Oregon found that cats love interacting with us. The study tested both pets and shelter cats on what they preferred more: food, toys, scents, or human interaction. Social interaction with humans was the clear winner!

Cats Can Keep Pests Out of Your Home, Naturally. Cats are hunters, and if the wrong kind of pest wonders into your home, your cat will hunt it. No need for expensive pest control treatments when you've got your furry friend on permanent patrol!

Cats are More Affordable than Dogs. Don't get me wrong, your cat will likely come with some upfront costs (like buying a new house). But, on average, cats are less expensive than dogs. The ASPCA notes that cats cost less in monthly food, don't require as many toys, and require less grooming than dogs. Because they are typically smaller than dogs, vet bills are usually lower as well.

Ready to find a new cat for your home! Adopt from a local shelter today!